Ngorongoro Conservation Area

About Ngorongoro Conservation Area

About Ngorongoro

Ngorongoro conservation Area(NCA), A land where the maasai natives and wildlife co-exist in one fascinating wilderness ecosystem, This UNESCO certified Geo park and world heritage center covers about 829,200 hectares and is home to both the Maasai Natives and the world’s most sought after wildlife found in the largest crater in the world the Ngorongoro crater.

The famous Ngorongoro crater in which the NCA gets its name is arguably one of the world’s best places to view wildlife. Formed over 2 million years ago this 30.000 hectare crater of beautiful green grasslands, scenic rolling highlands and spots of picturesque lakes has population of over 25,000 large mammals and a couple of hundred bird species, this rich profusion of wildlife includes prides of lions, herds of elephants and a number of the world elusive Black Rhinos.

Things to do

Spend a day inside the crater and enjoy a wholesome safari in a destination with the highest wildlife population density in whole of Africa, with a population of over 25,000 large mammals including Wildebeests, buffalos, elephants and the endangered black rhinos the sheer size and beauty will mesmerize you, have a picnic lunch at the shores of the iconic Hippo lake one of the many rewarding views you will see inside the caldera. You can also take a hike to olmoti volcano and down the empakai crater to enjoy a brilliant sight of beautiful flamingoes basking on the soda lake in the empakai crater. You can take a trip to the Maasai village. You’ll learn a lot about the unique maasai culture and be entertained by their traditional dances, songs and vibrancy of their community. You will also get a chance to purchase awesome handcrafted and knitted souvenirs for you to take home.

The NCA is home to the Oldupai gorge, an area where scientists have found proof of life of pre historic man millions of years ago. This famous archeological site is a huge attraction to tourists and scientist all over the world. The skull of the paranthropus boisei was discovered by Mary Leaky and the oldowan tools dated 2.6 million years were also found here by Dr. Louis Leaky proving the existence of earlier civilizations in Olduvai. You can also see take a trip to Oldonyolengai, the mountain of god, one of the last active volcanoes in the world and see the famous shifting sand dunes where a great mass of sand shifts in unison over time.

Best Time to Visit

Ngorongoro conversation area is an all year round destination, However during the months of June-October is when the vegetation is less dense hence the wildlife are seen with greater ease.

Weather & Climate

NCA has mild temperatures all year round, with highest temperatures during the day reaching 20 ⁰C and the lowest during the nights can reach below freezing point at -6 ⁰C

February to March are the wet seasons with high rain volume, February in the Ndutu area in Ngorongoro crater is famously known as calving season, Wildebeest migrating to the now soaked Ndutu area in Ngorongoro have a unique synchronized birth where about 8,000 wildebeest give birth at the same time, this attracts a host of predators making a spectacular showing of predator Vs. Prey.

June to October is the dry season in NCA the vegetation in the park is less dense and hence it is easier to spot wildlife in and around the park. The days are sunny and dusty giving a soft air that is ideal for photography.
Ngorongoro wildlife

With over 25,000 large mammals and hundreds of bird species NCA definitely lives up to its standard as one of the best place for wildlife viewing in the world. Herds of elephants are seen moving majestically by the gorigor swamps, the silky leopards can be seen lurking by the lerai forests, prides of lions are prowling around the plains and the ever elusive black rhinos can be spotted going about their day in the bushes. A variety of birds also fly and move about the massive conversation, ostrich, flamingoes, vultures, marabou stork and other beautiful birds are found in the park.

Ngorongoro is undoubtedly one of the reasons tourists fly from all over the world to Tanzania. Enjoy the experience and boast to your friend back home on the elusive experience just enjoyed. Contact Us now so we can hook you up with the best Ngorongoro safari.

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